TAOS: The BBX Developer's Workbench(TM)

The Key Word Is Productivity

In the past, the productivity of a software developer has been measured by the number of lines of code generated in a specific period of time. Unfortunately, this is a misleading standard of measurement. If one developer can solve an application problem with 10 lines of code and another solves the same problem (in the same amount of time) with 50 lines of code, which of the two is really the most productive?

A better standard of productivity is not the volume of programming code, but its functionality. How well can you solve the problem? And how quickly?

TAOS enables applications developers to create software solutions faster than ever before. TAOS offers the BBX developer the benefits of a fourth generation language, and a unique toolbox full of utilities which enhance form generation, menu customization, data management, and applications standardization.

Quite simply, TAOS offers the capability to deliver more working, debugged, and installed code in less time by fewer people.

The Next Logical Step in BBX Technology

TAOS is a fourth generation language with all of the productivity enhancements associated with a 4GL. But TAOS is also the next logical step in BBX technology. It generates BBX code; thus applications developed with TAOS share the same binary compatibility of applications and data that developers have come to expect from BASIS International products.

TAOS affords the developer a highly productive interface to the power of BBX through a programming environment that is much more conducive to rapid development than traditional third generation languages.

Because TAOS-developed applications are totally compatible with the developer's existing application base, future TAOS applications can be added to the same foundation. This BBX foundation also offers the serious software developer several additional benefits:

FAST LEARNING CURVE An experienced applications developer will find TAOS easy to learn and easy to use. TAOS uses BBX code and BBX terminology. In the best sense of the term, TAOS is BBX.

REDUCED COMPLEXITY TAOS reduces programming complexity through a substantial reduction in the number of lines of code which must be written and maintained. Fewer lines of TAOS code generate greater functionality. And fewer lines of code mean significantly less time spent in testing, support, and maintenance.

PROTECTS YOUR CURRENT SOFTWARE INVESTMENT Because TAOS generates BBX code, the output of TAOS can be easily integrated with existing BBX applications. TAOS programs can be referenced from within your BBX application and vice versa. By using TAOS to develop modifications to your existing applications base, ongoing maintenance costs for your applications can be significantly reduced.

ENJOYS THE PORTABILITY OF BBX TAOS generates BBX code, thus the guaranteed portability of TAOS-developed applications across BBX supported DOS and UNIX platforms is unchanged.

NO ADDITIONAL LICENSING FEES The output of TAOS is free of license constraints, so developers can install TAOS-generated applications with no additional TAOS licensing fees. Each installation of a TAOS application simply requires the appropriate version of BBX.

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